Your trees and plants are effected differently each season and require maintenance and care particular to that season. Summer can be stressful for your trees and plants because of the heat mixed with typical summer drought situations. Because of this, giving them some extra care during the warmest days and months is key! Here are some summer tree care and maintenance tips to help keep a healthy landscape year-round.
Ensuring your trees are staying cool – When you are outside on a hot summer day you may find shade, go swimming, or drink cold beverages to stay cool. Just like you need to stay cool to avoid health issues associated with extreme heat, so do your trees! Mulch can help to regulate a tree’s temperature and keep them cool. Additionally, consider that certain landscape materials hold heat more than others. Hardscaping surrounding a tree can intensify heat, as well as water, glass, and block walls, because these surfaces absorb and reflect sun.
- Pay attention – If your trees are starting to die in certain areas, or they are shedding leaves and twigs during the summer this is an indication that something may be wrong. While leaf and twig shedding is normal and part of a tree’s natural process in seasons like fall, it isn’t as common in summer. Some trees that commonly experience “summer dormancy” are birch, maples, willow, hackberry, and western red cedar species. This could be happening for several reasons.
- A reaction to soil compaction
- A tree that thrives in shade was planted in direct sun, or vice versa.
- Your soil is saturated
- The effects of heat and drought
- Proper watering – In most summer stress situations, proper watering can help bring your trees “back to life”. It is best to plant a new tree in either spring or fall, and summer planting should only be done if you are dedicated to watering continuously. Did you know that a lot of homeowners are over watering their plants and trees? You want to avoid causing soggy soil and aim for a damp soil that can dry in a short period of time to allow for proper oxygen flow to your tree or plant. Watering is particularly important in the first few years of your tree’s life as it is using increased amounts of energy to establish its roots.
Determine whether to prune or not – Summer pruning is most commonly used as a corrective means. When deciding to prune in summer, you will want to do so with extra caution. Leaves help to keep your tree cool, and if too much is removed you may end up putting unnecessary stress on your tree. Summer pruning can also lead to sun scalding of the tree’s bark. Our most important summer tree care tip when it comes to summer pruning is to call the professionals. Pruning during an unfavorable pruning season already poses potential for concerns, so summer DIY pruning is a bad idea. Your trained professional will know how to prune properly to avoid summer stress from pruning improperly or too much. Some instances where summer pruning is necessary is when dealing with diseased, dead, or damages branches. Also, trees that flower in the spring are typically pruned in early summer.
- Pest control – Your trees should be examined for pest infestations on a regular basis throughout the summer. If there is in fact an infestation of pests that can cause diseases in your tree, early detection is key in healing and management. Some common summer pests are, borers, spider mites, beetles, ticks, and chinch bugs. If you suspect that there may be an infestation issue on your property, Red Cedar can inspect, properly diagnose, and implement a management plan to help save your trees!
Summer can be stressful on your trees, plants, and landscaping, but making sure to dedicate time to basic summer maintenance and following these summer tree care tips is key in saving your trees from summer drought and heat. Red Cedar can help you to maintain a thriving landscape through proper pruning, pest control, maintenance, tree removal, and installing properly planned landscaping that best suits your environment. Contact us today for your free consultation!